Purple Mullein "Roman Candles" (mixed)
Purple Mullein "Roman Candles" - Verbascum phoeniceum.
An unpretentious perennial that blooms in the first year.
Inflorescence colour: purple, red, pink, white.
Flowering plant height: 90 cm.
Flowering period: V-VIII.
Winter hardiness zones: Z 5-8.
Care instructions: Prefers well-drained soil and a sunny location.
Easily grown from seeds. 1,0 g = 11000 pieces.
The seeds are characterized by rapid germination in a constantly moist (but not wet!) substrate at a temperature of about +20 °C.
The seeds can be sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate or sand, but if the seeds are very small, then only press lightly.
After germination, cold germination conditions are desirable. To obtain 1000 plants you will need 1,0 g of seeds.

Purple Mullein.
An unpretentious perennial that blooms in the first year.
Inflorescence colour: purple, red, pink, white.
Flowering plant height: 90 cm.
Flowering period: V-VIII.
Winter hardiness zones: Z 5-8.
Care instructions: Prefers well-drained soil and a sunny location.
Easily grown from seeds. 1,0 g = 11000 pieces.
The seeds are characterized by rapid germination in a constantly moist (but not wet!) substrate at a temperature of about +20 °C.
The seeds can be sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate or sand, but if the seeds are very small, then only press lightly.
After germination, cold germination conditions are desirable. To obtain 1000 plants you will need 1,0 g of seeds.

Purple Mullein.